The individual must be receiving or be in the process to receive services from one of California’s 21 regional centers. S.T.E.P. is vendorized through the Alta California Regional center. We serve Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yuba and Yolo counties.
The Consumer, family member, or Service Coordinator contacts our Program Support Team Manager. That’s Ayren Gabrielson at STEP. Click her name to email, or call her at 916-679-1555 x117 to begin the referral process. Our Program Support Team Manager will call or email you back and ask a number of questions to determine which unit would best be able to meet the needs of the person being served. The Program Support Team Manager will then contact the appropriate Program Director and let them know there is a referral in process.
STEP Will send a “Who we are” Packet to the individual.
STEP will also send a referral packet to the service coordinator at Alta, which will request a number of documents be sent to STEP These documents include:
- Current IPP
- IEP (if applicable)
- Psych and/or behavior Evaluation
- Consumer Profile
- Medical information
- Living Options Assessment
- Any other applicable Assessment.
STEP Will contact the individual and Service Coordinator to set up a tour of the STEP Program. The Program Support Team Manager will confirm your tour date and time with appropriate unit Program Director. After the tour the Program Director determines the feasibility of serving that person.
Once the referral is accepted, services will begin after STEP has received a Purchase of Services (POS) from the regional center.