Strategies to Empower People and other Supported Living providers across Sacramento assisted individuals who left The Gardens, a large skilled nursing facility that was close down. Many of those we are now supporting had lived in that facility for over 20 years. With your help we provided each person with all the typical things one needs in one’s own home. We were thrilled at the community’s response!

Why Employers and not Clients?
When a referral is received by Strategies to Empower People, they are known as clients of Regional Center. Once they are part of Strategies to Empower People they are knows as Employers. They become employers as they part of the hiring process for the Direct Support Professionals whom will be working in their home with them. They interview each employee, that may work with them. They will approve hiring them for their own home, and even have the power to fire staff if they no longer want them in their home.
Employer Spotlight
Poetry by: Leigh Penny
I feel the silence.
I can almost touch it.
My fingers grope for the words.
They move so slowly.
To “SPEAK” with my hands is so hard.
The words so difficult to “SAY.”
Beauty and grace flows poetically,
through the fingers of the Deaf.
But me, the grace is lacking,
but the desire is still there.
Please accept my clumsy, simple gestures
as gestures of love and acceptance.
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